Home استثمارات مالية The Global Banking Earthquake and Arab Investments – Al-Binaa Newspaper

The Global Banking Earthquake and Arab Investments – Al-Binaa Newspaper


} Zeyad Hafez*

earthquake banker international that blows States United And countries the Union European He appears bug structuralist in that the system. until the hour what gone elites ruling in the states United And with it in Countries the Union European and institutions the Union European Working on stabilizing stewardship sector financial and insurance And real estate known b «Fire» any characters The first to strip the money and insurance And the drug (FIRE) that Means «fire». He is actually fire that Burn all ingredients Economy western after Wave dismantling Brown industrial that seem in late The seventies from century the past and follow policies neoliberalism that contributed in Create gaps Economical and social in Countries that adopt it.

bug structuralist in the system banker in the West lies in his transformation from section My service for sectors Productivity like agriculture and industry and construction to section project to a fortune virtual via speculations in markets Finance and markets real estate and create space hypothetical to produce Wealth not built on Economy Aini. and this is outer space default had become ahead on Economy Aini especially in era Globalisation And the revolution technological in communication what perform to swell in Liquidity cash not Justified size Economy Aini. no caller to in Access in sparring theoretical around Relationship between Economy Aini and finance Economy (financialization) to distress space available in This is amazing approach but rather We get enough by reference to Conclusion Which stewardship sector cash And financial on Economy Aini what perform to Distortions (distortions) in structure Economic Especially in structure Head Finance.

This is amazing Distortions did not be to get Lola the changes in systems control. So an era Globalisation witnessed courage Countries western on dismantling systems control and censorship pretext facilitation the growth The economist And financial. So allow States United for banks by acting with money depositors in speculations Finance created liquidity big I allowed height trading in stock exchanges and volume capitalization vulgarity for companies to reap earnings virtual not linked perform companies. So I became deposits depositors in sinks mortgage Hassan appreciation Officials in speculations Finance real estate, So it was crises cascading that hit credibility That sinks. and weaken That systems oversight restricted perform to positioning financial in hand The few And power on the decision politician for states. The elites ruling benefited from power the money to that had become existence in Authority indebted So the money and on account surveillance and keep on Interests People her countries. meaning last, that idleness in judgments control Contributed in more Greed financial to officials in institutions Finance whether She was drains or homes money what perform to seek refuge to Leverage as a lever to grow hypothetical and to produce Wealth built on illusions differences in the prices And the benefits (arbitrage) in markets instant that control by movement Finance Globalism.

accompanied this idleness in systems oversight series Scandals Led to collapses for institutions gigantic. And we point out here on way example and not inventory scandal Dropp off a company energy giant Enron in beginning Millennium and crunch mortgages real estate in 2008 that Led to collapses Finance as a company Lyman Brazzers And he stumbled a company any any g insurance (AIG). And this the days We witnessed Collapse series from sinks American stretched to Europe. The bank Swiss the giant ancient Creedy swiss disappear between a night overnight And I became Property bank Yu with me ace building on pressure from the authorities swiss within procedures infringement to the law And unfair Right contributors whether they were Westerners or no. as well command may be Gets for the largest bank German Deutsche Bank stumbled which may be imposed to intervene the government German via procedures close from nationalization.

system Laws no stands Before decisions political that exceed it And that for the sake of Olya appreciate it elites ruling and impose it on Country and society. actual way example no allow elites ruling collapse institutions giant Because she gigantic and fallout collapse Larger Than maybe that bear it elites and not the society. The lie that promote it elites ruling which pretend liberalism And stewardship provisions market she that Collapse institutions giant may be Lead to disorders Economical and social. And the question Become Why I allowed elites ruling happen that whether in Grace construction institutions gigantic threaten by its fall Security The economist and social? as that the question the other he Why I allowed elites ruling Spread idleness in administration Institutions? There is laws female officer despite dismantling Laws control to encourage the growth and rivalry, but Line that He separates between Adventure and gambling from Side with money the people And ill credit and breach with it Line Thin Disappears in a lot from times So you fall incident.

from Side other I applied Countries western Especially the states United and institutions the Union European on series from procedures infringement to the law international pretext fight Russia. chain Penalties that clamped on Russia after the operation military own in Ukraine exceeded Some of them the law international. The takeover on assets Finance to the state Russian and even companies and individuals Russians dangle on non respect the law international. this Makes investor ordinary not western that Asks if did not abstain Countries western on burglary on origins Larger nation nuclear in the world So what prevent it from grab on funds investors Whose may be Different with her countries For reasons what? no forget that This is amazing Countries advanced well-established that get confused the world Verdict the law and institutions taken over in past not far on funds Country Libyan, and state venezuelan, and on funds Country afghan, Without that forget funds Republic Islamic in Iran. as no forget grab on yields oil Iraqi.

this Means that deal with the West from side investment just, Command not content no from hand protection investment no from profitability projected. as no forget that the West won’t Allow for countries world the South Total investment in sectors strategy. So we remember here how forced Parliament British the government British on backing down on own up nation Kuwait 25 percent from a company British petroleum, And that in the eighties from century the past. no forget how to intervene Congress American To prevent a company affiliated for a state The UAE Arabic from administration number from harbors American year 2006. what We care here he overlap the decision politician By decision venture and that He was the West Negates in principle any Role «Politician» for owners funds Arabic. If He was that possible in Phase precedent the leaders Arabic whether on Upper Egypt politician or The economist no Less expertise and ability on counterparts in the West. but rather We can that We add that level leaders political Economic in the West in condition She responds continuous on level the performance while We see up going on for performance Professional to officials economists And millions in Countries Arabic, particularly in Countries Al Jazeera Arabic.

size investments Arabic in the West big very. some the reviewer Competent as a site «project search And the tip in the East Middle» (Middle East Research and Information Project) Indicates in a report issued Basim David White in summer 2022 that the number the official for investments to country The Two Holy Mosques And the Emirates Arabic in the states United Excellence 800 one billion dollar. He adds Writer that the number actual more much where did not be taken with an eye consideration what Name it flows Finance «not declared» (undisclosed). And there estimates different Put number Hirings Arabic to more from trillion dollar Without that add investments in Countries Europe western. the important here that Total This is amazing investments may be It arrives to 3 trillion dollar Of which what maybe monetize it quickly relative Such as what Need to time longer. And this investments big I reversed nature relations political between the states United and the West with Countries Al Jazeera Arabic. This is amazing Numbers no Include investments Countries Arabic As Egypt And Algeria and Sultanate Oman in the West so it increases from exposure Arabi towards Policies and moody Countries the West.

Capacity Finance Arabic huge And he has Like Capabilities China that did not excel on her. And the question here Why no invest This is amazing funds in Countries Arabic to construct a base Economical kind And it’s not virtual start in Brown substratum to arrive to communication superlative the speed that You want China promote it in Countries Asia via her project Belt the one. pain nostalgic the time for a project similar Arab covers in stage The first Motherland Arabi And while after continent African and jump to America Latin? investment Arabi maybe And see some His signs in markets local. but He should expansion energy absorptive for capabilities Finance Arabic.

markets Finance in Al Jazeera Arabic may be be platform for those projects. and cooperation between Countries and markets Finance may be constribte in investigation achievements big in investments desired. So one Senior experts millions in Countries The Two Holy Mosques And countries Al Jazeera Arabic Mr. Yusef Constantine tightens on seriousness the performance in That markets. So why no be This is amazing markets a point zap in cooperation with leaders political for a project economic Arab wide?

in this Context point out to document «Call Unit» that I fired it honesty the public for the conference national Arabi in beginning 2022 where offered series Projects to network The economist between Countries Arabic. actual way example and not inventory there Projects to network rails iron bind Ocean Atlantic in the Gulf And the ocean Indian as bind Different Regions inside Countries Arabic. So what exposure China from technology for trains quick maybe that Implement in Countries Arabic. as well command with regards for networks energy and networks Transfer oil and gas and water. as there existing projects shared between Countries and on border Countries contribute in mitigation positioning in the cities Grand and contribute in stabilizing Citizens in their regions as create opportunities a job. and all This is amazing investments summon Heads funds more useful from that get hired in Countries you hate Arabs and money Arabs And consider grab on her Halal. pain less President American the previous Donald Trump that it Wants grab on oil Arabi and that drains Capacity Finance Arabic?

* Researcher and writer, political economist, and member of the founding body of the Economic and Social Forum


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