Home الذكاء الاصطناعي Useful acronym in the glorious month drama

Useful acronym in the glorious month drama


Some works in the Ramadan drama raise the slogan “repetition”

  • The award for the best recurring work goes directly to the star, Mohamed Saad
  • Criticizing most of the Great Champions in its seventh season, under the pretext of repetition

A strange shock that some drama audiences received in 2023, after most of the small screen works were turned into Ramadan season To repeat what the audience has seen before in other works or the same works without presenting new ideas that deserve to be presented in the strongest seasons of Arab drama, which is Ramadan season Dramatic, and we will review together in this space most of what was taken on these works during the first week of their presentation on the screen.

Useful acronym in the glorious month drama

One of the clips of the Big Oy series

The Al-Kabeer series Oy, in its sixth season last year, was on the throne of viewership, and some suggested that it succeeded in limiting the views of the most famous dumps program that Ramez Jalal presents annually in Ramadan. Luck was not the same. To criticize most of the great heroes in its seventh season, under the pretext of repetition and exaggerated performance from profitable, and turning the scenario into a group of sermons and advice, and attracting guests of honor that have nothing to do with the original story.

While some suggested that the “profitable” area increased this year as a result of the audience’s response to it in the last season, and this is why the first episodes of the series were allocated this year to center around the kidnapping of profitable business and the great search for it, which prompted most of the audience to recall the comedy of the Mazarita Festival and the strength of the scenario and dialogue in the last season. about this season.

Useful acronym in the glorious month drama

Ahmed Amin in the whistle program

On the other hand, the artist Ahmed Amin decided to compete in the series “Al-Safara”, through which he was able to be present strongly in the comedy of the month of Ramadan, with some drawbacks to the work, the most important of which is the similarity between him and the American movie “click”, which was produced in 2006, starring Adam Sandler and written by Mark O’Keeffe and directed by Frank Corassi or In a way that is closer to society, you can compare it to Ahmed Makki’s movie “Tayr Ant” or “Bedazzled” produced in 2000.

Where Sandler’s remote, Makki’s goblin, and Amin’s whistle play the main role in changing the lives of action figures to present oppressed characters in a comic framework, and their crises vary between financial crises, disagreements at work, and other matters that are dealt with by controlling time and space through the tool that is Sandler’s remote. And Saffara Amin, despite this, Amin succeeded in imposing his comic stances in the series, and some of them turned into comics on social networking sites, without taking into account mentioning the original idea, indicating its use, or even asking permission from its owners.

Useful acronym in the glorious month drama

From the series Battalion 101

And from the comedies of the national drama, we will discover quite simply that the series “Battalion 101” is a continuation of the national epics that were presented in the past years under the title “The Choice”, and the events of “Battalion 101” revolve around heroics in the city of Arish. Where the first episode began with the elimination of a terrorist element, through an air strike. We cannot deny that such actions have an important role in raising the morale of the viewers and bridging the distances between them and the defenders of the homeland, whom history has always considered as unknown soldiers due to the scarcity of stories and stories authorized to be told.

Away from the goals, the story, and the scenario, we return to the idea of ​​repeating previous experiences, even if the topic was an epic, patriotic work.

And as long as we are engaged in monitoring the repetition of ideas, we must emphasize the presentation of the second part of “Who is not great” after its success with Ahmed Al-Awadi and Yasmine Abdel Aziz, so that it is agreed to develop it without directly acknowledging that with the character of “Jaber Abu Shadeed” and the character of Yasmine “Mahra Abu Al-Lail” and starting with Choosing the names of the heroes you will know we are talking about A typical level drama Perhaps it relied heavily on developing Al-Awadi’s character to compete with Ahmed Zaki’s character in his movie “The Escape”. The hero who chose to eat everything except the “onta” while we, as viewers, eat it comfortably!

Useful acronym in the glorious month drama

The official poster for the series “Darb Nar”.

The important thing is that Abu Al-Layl meets Mahra Bint Shubra, who is strong and faces problems that suit her looks and her name. Jabir saves her brother and saves her. Her heart is inclined to him while he plays the villain, artist Majed Al-Masry, who is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and conducts criminal activities. And in the first appearance of the founder of his power, he gets out of the car to kill one of his assistants with several shots, because he hates betrayal, and while returning to his car, he fires a shot in the air, announcing the end of the “scuksy” episode and the beginning of the struggle between him and Abu Al-Lail or Abu Al-Rajal or Abu any sweet qualities except for his constant imitation of the star Muhammad Ramadan chose famous phrases and sentences in the world of rickshaws and microbuses to make a “lizma” similar to “God has our story,” which he used in the previous series with Yasmine as well.

Among the indirect repetitions is the follow-up to the repetition of the “Limpy” films presented by Hamada Helal in the third part of the Al-Maddah series “The Legend of Love”. It is one of the works that Hamada Helal strives to be the first Ramadan horror act, as it relies in its content on some rural Egyptian myths about the jinn. , who lurks for people in deserted places, to clothe and control them, with some committed romance presented by Sheikh Saber, the owner of dignity, “Hamada Hilal” when Salim (Ahmed Maher) turns to him to solve the mystery of Amina (Salma Abu Deif), his niece, whose fiancé suddenly left her because she pregnant.

Saber realizes that Amina was pregnant by a lover’s jinn. She meets him in a cave in the desert, so he takes her there to solve the mystery, which requires the appearance of a black dog, barking at the door of the cave, then turning into a man with red eyes, so that the war begins and Hind (Lucy), the leader of the demonic tribe, appears. For Saber, she wears a crown on her head, her eyes turn red, and she warns him not to harm their son, so the matter turns into a black comedy no less ironic than the movie The Egg and the Stone by the late star Ahmed Zaki.

Useful acronym in the glorious month drama

A screenshot from the series Kings of Jadana

Sometimes the repetition of successful works is not direct. For example, in 2021, the series “Kings of Jadana” came out, starring Mustafa Shaaban and Amr Saad, and directed by Ahmed Khaled Musa. In 2023, Mostafa Shaaban took on his character in the series as well as its director, and they decided to make “Baba Al-Majal”, while Amr Saad decided to take advantage of his physical fitness and his role in the same series to present this year the new form of it under the name “Al-Aqhar”. It is very simple to watch the two series at the same time to link events and characters, anticipate what will happen and follow the same performance, which is a new and innovative method that we have not seen before in drama, because it is difficult to make two different series as if they were one series.

And with Mostafa Shaaban, you will get to know Zain the mechanic who hangs a sign that reads, “Whoever eats the forbidden, the forbidden eats him.” Zayn is good. So kind that his mother kisses his hand because he is the blessing of our Lord. He loves her and will donate a lobe of his liver to her and pay the costs of her Umrah travel, while he needs every penny for marriage, and there are many temptations around him. The good cliché that resembles videos of sacrifice and slander on Tik Tok moves to the neighborhood in which he lives. You will travel to the sanctuary.

Then Azouz, who plays Samra, appears as a person of extreme evil, who is the right arm of teacher Zakaria El-Deeb, who plays Riyad El-Khouli.

While Amr Saad repeats what he did in previous series, by reincarnating a character who has a past that haunts him, or he searches for him, and continues to appear in the role of the savior hero, in a work full of dramatic lines that quickly pass between orphans, brothers, the community of the popular region, and the relationship of parents. their children in the same manner as Baba al-Majal or, more accurately, “Kings of Jadana.”

Youssef “Amr Saad” escapes from the reformatory, only to be kidnapped by his mother’s killers before he reaches his home, so he escapes from them and meets Saadawi (Sayed Ragab), and works with him, who is a goldsmith who profits from providing illegally extracted gold and selling it through companies and distributors to enter it into the official market. He takes care of Youssef and gives him a new name, Mustafa Al-Ajhar, to hide from the eyes of the police and those who seek to kill him, like his mother. We may remember Karim Abdel Aziz and Hassan Hosni at the time in the movie “Outside the Law”.

The important thing is that Youssef continues to chase his past with a set of phrases and the language of tactics, which seems to be the dominant language between Mustafa Shaaban, Amr Saad and Al-Awadi, and an episode of Al-Safara this year.

And from this experience to a different form of repetition, which is converting a television program into a series, which is what the author and journalist Ibrahim Issa succeeded in when he decided to present episodes of his programs in a series called “Hazrat Al-Omda” and its most important topics are the empowerment of women, the Salafist tide, tribal conflicts, electronic committees, The infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood, the persecution of Christians, the crisis of private lessons, revenge, the veil, female circumcision, the prohibition of music and painting, loudspeakers in mosques, the use of money and the phenomenon of those who are comfortable, drugs, local corruption, electronic committees and other matters that Ibrahim Essa previously discussed, but he decided this year Discussing it in a dramatic work that revolves around Ruby’s accession to the vertical position and her decision to challenge all previous problems in Ibrahim Issa’s programmes.

We come to the star of the season artist Mohamed Ramadan Who, in turn, decided to enjoy watching most of the stars as they imitated him in his own way of using street phrases and tactic phrases, and he himself decided to repeat himself, as Ramadan presents this year the new and different part of his series Al Ostoura, which was also directed by Muhammad Sami, as Ramadan returns in the series “Jaafar the mayorTo embrace the popular neighborhood, as happened before in Al-Prince (2020) and Al-Ostora (2016), with the age difference because “Jaafar Al-Omda” is not a young man, but rather a great teacher in the Al-Sayeda Zeinab neighborhood. He belongs to a family from Upper Egypt, which has economic influence within the neighborhood. We do not know If the source of her wealth was from the meat trade, real estate, or from the apothecary, from which the money of his mother’s family came The need will describe (Hala Sidqi), this was not evident in the first episodes, unfortunately, but it is a huge wealth that enabled him to compete with banks in lending to businessmen.

Useful acronym in the glorious month drama

Muhammad Ramadan from the Jaafar Al-Omda series

The important thing is that Ramadan decided in this work to marry four actresses to complete his role in the customary sessions in which Jaafar rules between families, the profession that he inherited from his father, also there are many events in each episode, unlike the fashion of the quiet rhythm that has become characteristic of other series.

There are also aesthetic scenes with the “drone” over the Al-Sayeda and Al-Hussein neighborhoods, which you may find interesting if you are a fan of Old Cairo. The important thing in the end is that you will enjoy the comedy of the Hajj Metwally family, the adventures of the legend, and the ingenuity of the Prince in the “Jaafar Al-Omda” composition.

As for the award for the best recurring work this year, it must go directly to the star Mohamed Saad, who envies the number of times the characters he presented were used in more than one work, whether dramatic, theatrical or cinematic, before announcing his return again in the series “Excellence” to the character “Al-Hinawi” that appeared. In Karkar, Saad decided to make a special series for her in 2023.

From the first episode, you will get to know Hajj Al-Hinnawi, as he makes strange sounds, stutters in speech and movement, with more convulsions, slaps and slaps, on the faces of his neighbors and boys, interspersed with paragraphs of imitating animal sounds, bullying and sarcasm at everyone, and for this you can shorten the time and effort and watch another work.


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