Home اخبار عربية Karam Jabr: Arab countries are currently facing the danger of being invaded by foreign media broadcasting content that is inappropriate for Arab culture

Karam Jabr: Arab countries are currently facing the danger of being invaded by foreign media broadcasting content that is inappropriate for Arab culture



The activities of the Egyptian-Omani Media Forum were launched at the headquarters of the Supreme Council for Media Regulation in the Maspero Building, under the title “The Fifth Technological Revolution and the Future of Media in Light of the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence”, which is being held under the auspices of the journalist writer Karam Jabr, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Media Regulation, and Engineer Abdul Sadiq Al-Shorbaji, Chairman of the Authority. The National Press, and Ambassador Abdullah bin Nasser Al-Rahbi, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to Egypt and its permanent representative to the League of Arab States, in the presence of Dr. Egyptian and Omani satellite channels.

The Omani delegation included Dr. Abdul Moneim Al-Hassani, former Minister of Information, Dr. Muhammad Al-Araimi, President of the Omani Journalists Association, Salem Al-Jahuri, Vice-President of the Association, Youssef Al-Houti, Chairman of the Association’s Training and International Cooperation Committee, journalist and writer Saeed Al-Nahdi, Chairman of the Association’s Training Committee, and journalist Mustafa Al-Omari, Chairman of the Memberships and Affairs Committee. Members of the association, journalist and writer Rashid Al-Rashdi, head of the correspondents committee of the society, journalist-writer Saeed Al-Habis, journalist-writer Muhammad Al-Seifi, journalist Khaled Al-Zadjali, journalist-writer Ali Al-Dhahabi, and film director Jamil Al-Yaqoubi.

The media forum was moderated by Ahmed Abu Zeid, the broadcaster in Cairo News, and it was agreed to develop cooperation in media relations between the two countries, especially in the areas of training and education to confront artificial intelligence, and the impact of the fifth technological revolution on the media industry. It was agreed to organize training courses in various fields of media work for media professionals and journalists in the two countries.

Journalist Karam Jabr started the forum by welcoming the attendees, adding that he was pleased with the gathering of this group of Egyptian and Omani media professionals, and that it was a good opportunity to exchange dialogue between the two parties.

Jabr added that the relations between Egypt and Oman extend throughout history, explaining that the fraternal meeting between the leaders of the two countries, President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, and his brother, Sultan Haitham bin Tariq, which took place recently, leaves us a large space for agreement in visions, positions and ideas, and we, as media, must translate this agreement and harmony. Harmony in relations between the two countries leads to media policies that enshrine concepts that reflect the political situation.

He explained, “We have to work together to face the challenges facing the media in all Arab countries, especially since the challenges are the same with some details differing.”

He pointed out that Arab countries are currently facing the danger of foreign media invading, which broadcasts content that is inappropriate for Arab and Islamic culture, customs and traditions, such as homosexuality, atheism and extremism, adding that foreign media wants to broadcast these strange cultures among youth and youth, so we must work to educate young people about these dangers because prevention It became hard.

He explained: We have to read the future in a practical way, communicate with technology manufacturers, and work to qualify young people for the future jobs that artificial intelligence will create, because there are many jobs that are likely to disappear in the future due to artificial intelligence, indicating that we must all unite to confront modern media. Which carries out a process similar to blood transfusion in the reverse direction, as it absorbs the good resources of the Arab media, and we cannot obtain our rights.

He stressed that the Supreme Council for Media Regulation launched training courses for Arab media professionals and journalists, through one of the major institutions, so that there would be an exchange of experiences and full coordination between all Arab countries in the media field.

For his part, Engineer Abdel Sadiq Al-Shorbagy welcomed the attendees, stressing that the Egyptian-Omani relations are close and extended throughout history, and stand on solid ground.

He added that he hopes that there will be cooperation with the Omani media, and that there will be an exchange of experiences and visits to work on converging points of view, as well as cooperation in the field of training, especially since the Egyptian press institutions have training centers at the highest level, explaining that the media industry has become difficult, especially in light of the revolution. Modern technology, therefore, we must cooperate with each other, since the press and the media carry out a great task, which is to educate and enlighten the people.

For his part, Ambassador Abdullah bin Nasser Al-Rahbi, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the Arab Republic of Egypt, its permanent representative to the League of Arab States, affirmed that the world has been witnessing a rapid development for years represented in the dominance of technology and modern technologies in all aspects of life, indicating that the media and the press fell under the influence of Great due to this technological development, as well as the great mating between traditional and modern media.

The Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman in Cairo reviewed the accelerating impact of modern technology on the publishing and content industry, and said that in the past, the magazine, for example, had a time limit for issuance and then put it in the hands of readers, while the newspaper was the rich knowledge meal for readers daily, but today and under The growth and acceleration of the use of modern technologies, as the newspaper has become like a “magazine” that excludes news from its pages, and focuses on other journalistic arts such as journalistic investigations that are not linked to a specific time.

Al-Rahbi added that programs and media platforms have become the latest technology in transmitting news in writing, hearing and vision, as the event is transmitted from the farthest part of the earth to the lowest in the instant and the moment that transcends time and space, indicating that we are facing a great challenge due to the tremendous technological development, which is matched by another challenge represented in increasing The cost of newspaper production tools such as paper, inks, and machines inherent in the publishing industry.

He said that we are a generation that still feels the pleasure of browsing books and paper newspapers, but it should be recognized that there is another generation of our children and youth that keeps pace with the great technological development, which requires everyone to monitor this generation so that it does not fall prey to modern technology and fall into the clutches of its disadvantages, pointing to the importance of the media forum The Egyptian-Omani and the topic for discussion represented in the future of the media in light of the challenges of artificial intelligence, expressing his hope that the forum will issue useful recommendations and results.

While Dr. Muhammad Al-Araimi expressed his happiness at attending this forum, adding that the delegation received, since its arrival in Egypt, a warm reception that made them feel that they had not left their country, stressing that the Egyptian-Omani relations extend throughout history.

He added that we must work together and cooperate to confront modern technology and artificial intelligence so that it does not affect the media, pointing to the need to benefit from the experiences of countries that preceded us in this field so as not to start from scratch.

Dr. Abdel Moneim Al-Hassani said that he is happy to attend this forum, which includes Egyptian and Omani media figures, pointing to the need to organize such forums in all Arab countries and for there to be cooperation to confront artificial intelligence and not be afraid of confronting it, because no Arab country can face the matter alone.

He added that technology can be controlled, especially since it was manufactured by man, who is the smartest creature on earth, pointing out that the most important thing is cooperation and coordination between Arab countries and international institutions to face the great challenges facing Arab media.

While Salem Al-Jahuri presented an explanation about the Omani Journalists Association, adding that Arab cooperation must work on determining how to deal with artificial intelligence, and confront it so that it does not affect the Arab media.

Youssef Al-Houti said that all Arab countries must cooperate to confront artificial intelligence, adding that the matter must be participatory and not unilateral.

He pointed out that the media should have a major role in leading countries, not only in the economic aspect, adding that the media has a major role in educating societies by formulating the message it presents.

For her part, Naila Farouk welcomed the audience in the Maspero building, which testifies to the history and civilization of Egypt and documented all the historical stages that passed in Egypt, adding that we have to study and learn how artificial intelligence will affect the media field.

She explained that the human being and the media spirit will remain the basis of media work, even with the great technological development witnessed by the media all over the world, and therefore we must work on cooperation in the field of training and qualification to work on qualifying and training media professionals and journalists on the technological revolution.

Saeed Al-Nahdi stated that he was happy to attend the forum in the presence of the Egyptian-Omani press and media figures, adding that we must work together in all Arab countries in the field of training and laws to work on confronting artificial intelligence.

He added that we have to develop a comprehensive and effective plan that will be taught at different educational levels in all Arab countries, to confront artificial intelligence, and work to educate young people about the dangers of using technology.

While the journalist and writer Abdel Razek Tawfiq, editor-in-chief of Al-Jumhuriya, explained that the Egyptian-Omani relationship is a model for joint Arab action, and there is a civilized depth and sincere feelings, adding that we are talking about the problem and the conflict between traditional and modern media, but we have forgotten that the real hero is the content and the content that we present. We must also work. There should be integration between traditional and modern media.

He pointed out the necessity of launching a joint Egyptian-Omani award to support cooperation between the two countries and rapprochement between the two brotherly peoples, provided that it is presented at the conclusion of an Arab media forum, adding that it is important to unite efforts and work together to support each other and face challenges.

While the journalist, Nashat Al-Daihi, confirmed that Oman is in the heart of the Egyptians, and vice versa, adding that economic cooperation is the real bridge to cross, adding that we must move together to confront artificial intelligence and modern technology.

Al-Daihi pointed out the necessity of considering the issue of artificial intelligence as a regional national security issue, and working to develop a strategy for regional dealing with the challenges facing the media, as well as identifying jobs that are threatened with disappearance due to modern technology, developing educational systems that are compatible with them, and establishing a mechanism that will be affiliated with the League of Arab States to deal with it. These challenges.

While Dr. Mona Al-Hadidi stressed the need to repeat such forums and to hold them on an ongoing basis, monthly or every three months, even if online, noting that artificial intelligence is not the end, as developments in the field of media are always present, and our entry into the modern era is not a choice or a luxury, but an urgent necessity. .

She pointed to the need to work on continuous media training and qualification for all workers in the media field, from media leaders to youth, explaining the need to train media literacy in all educational stages to work on educating young people.

While the journalist, Sahar Sabry, an anchor on Egyptian and Omani television, confirmed that we must set limits to confront modern technology so that we can deal with it, adding that work must be done to train and qualify youth and youth so that they can deal with artificial intelligence.

Shahinaz Gawish, the broadcaster on Al-Hayat channel, said that Egypt has taken great strides in the areas of technological infrastructure, adding that there is a tremendous development in artificial intelligence and modern technology, and we must qualify youth and youth to keep pace with the great changes that the world is witnessing as a result of technological revolutions.

The forum was attended by journalist writer Abdel Razek Tawfiq, editor-in-chief of Al-Jumhuriya, Abdel-Nabi Al-Shahat, editor-in-chief of Al-Jumhuriya Online, Khaled Najeh, editor-in-chief of Dar Al-Hilal portal, Muhammad Al-Bahnsawy, editor-in-chief of Akhbar Al-Youm portal, Muhammad Amin, editor-in-chief of October Magazine, Alaa Thabet, editor-in-chief of Al-Ahram, and Majed Mounir, editor-in-chief of Al-Ahram evening and Al-Ahram Gate, Salah Gomaa, deputy editor-in-chief of the Middle East News Agency, Rifaat Khaled, editor-in-chief of Al-Masaa newspaper, media personality Asma Youssef, broadcaster on DMC channel, media personality Mona Al-Maraghi, broadcaster on Al-Hayat channel, media personality Shahinaz Gawish, broadcaster on Al-Hayat channel, and media personality Shorouq Al-Khatib, broadcaster On mbc channel and the media, Sahar Sabry, is a broadcaster on Egyptian and Omani TV.


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