Home اخبار عربية Helwan University

Helwan University


President of Helwan University:

  • Enhancing cooperation with Russian universities to develop infrastructure and sign joint agreements
  • Support and encourage young talents from foreign students
  • We have a plan to develop the College of Engineering and raise the efficiency of scientific and applied research

Over the past week, Helwan University witnessed many important news and events, which caught the attention of followers interested in its news, whether at the level of students or faculty members.

Sada El-Balad reviews the most prominent news, events and statements that Helwan University has witnessed since the beginning of the week.

At the beginning of the week, Dr. El-Sayed Qandil, President of Helwan University, participated in the third conference of university presidents in the Federation of Arab and Russian Universities, at Al-Razi Theater at the University of Sharjah, which is concerned with discussing partnerships in scientific research and academic programs, as well as signing cooperation agreements between many universities.

Kandil stressed that this global scientific event is held to discuss cooperation frameworks and develop strategies that include joint scientific research in various fields, student and youth exchange, and joint academic programmes.

During the conference, the President of Helwan University gave a presentation on joint scientific research and prospects for scientific cooperation between Arab and Russian universities, the interest of the State of Russia in cooperation in the field of higher education with Arab countries, the impact of Russian education on Egypt, the common interests and challenges of higher education and scientific research from the Arab-Russian perspective. Obstacles to academic and research cooperation between Arab and Russian universities, the national strategy for higher education and scientific research in Egypt, good practices for academic and research cooperation between Arab and Russian universities, and the roadmap for cooperation between Helwan University and Russian universities.

He pointed out that the Egyptian envoys had previously engaged in many fields of study, including mechanical and aeronautical engineering, medicine, petroleum, and human, natural, and social sciences.

Kandil noted that there are common concerns and challenges for higher education and scientific research from the Arab and Russian perspectives. The interests are in developing infrastructure, signing joint cooperation agreements, exchanging experiences and programmes, academic exchange and developing joint scientific research through organizing conferences and seminars, exchanging research results and promoting the study of the Arabic language. In Russia and the Russian language in the Arab countries, facing technical challenges, innovation and curriculum development.

He also indicated that there are common interests that include the establishment of joint academic programs in natural sciences, engineering, technology, medicine, artificial intelligence, economics, management, energy, environmental sciences, design and arts.

The conference sessions also discussed raising the level of teaching, learning and scientific research, in partnership with the most prestigious Arab and international universities, and setting strategies and frameworks for exchange between universities in various fields, such as student exchange and partnerships in educational programs and scientific research projects, to work on building bridges of cooperation between the member universities of the Federation. Arab universities and universities in the Russian Federation.

The conference axes included drawing strategies for exchanging experiences and student exchange between Arab and Russian universities in the fields of training, extra-summer activities and sports programmes, discussing joint scientific research between the participating universities and drawing prospects for cooperation in the fields of scientific research and joint academic programmes, as well as academic accreditation and Arab, Russian and international academic classifications. And work to keep pace with the digital transformation in higher education in light of technological developments and open applications of artificial intelligence.

The conference was held in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Association of Arab Universities, with the participation and attendance of a number of ministers of education in Arab countries, presidents of more than 60 major Russian universities, presidents of 7 universities from the United Arab Emirates, and more than 150 presidents and representatives of Arab universities belonging to To 21 Arab countries, where the Third Conference of Presidents of Arab and Russian Universities is held periodically as one of the important activities organized by the General Secretariat of the Association of Universities in Arab Countries and the Association of Russian Universities.

The Office of International Relations at Helwan University, in cooperation with AMIDEAST Egypt, also organized an introductory symposium via electronic means of communication about the Onsi Sawiris scholarship in the United States of America, as the program provides the opportunity for Egyptians to obtain a two-year master’s degree in engineering or business administration from high-ranking American universities through a scholarship. Fully funded at one of the following universities (Harvard, Stanford, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and MIT).

Dr. El-Sayed Kandil, President of Helwan University, affirmed the university’s keenness to encourage and support scholarships offered by AMIDEAST, for its role in supporting young researchers, students, faculty members, and the supporting staff to participate in international activities and acquire new experiences that contribute to refining their skills and achieving the goals of internationalization included in the university’s strategic plan.

Dr. Mayada Bilal, Director of the Office of International Relations at Helwan University, said that there are great benefits accruing from participating in these international grants by developing the skills of researchers, upgrading their international culture, and knowledge related to the specialization, in addition to enhancing cross-cultural communication skills.

She referred to the supportive role of all international bodies with the introductory seminars they provide, and constantly communicated with the office to answer all questions related to the grant application form, and to enable applicants to communicate with international partners.

The virtual session for the Onsi Sawiris program was moderated by Mohamed Selim, a specialist in scholarships and exchange programs at AMIDEAST Egypt, and Nora El-Etribi, officials in charge of grants and exchange programs at the same agency. The meeting was opened by Dr. Sarah Shalash, International Scholarships and Academic Mobility Officer at the International Relations Office, by explaining the importance of applying for international scholarships and the services it provides. The Office of International Relations for students and faculty members at Helwan University, including technical support and facilitating means of communication with international universities in order to overcome obstacles that may prevent members of the university community from applying to participate in these international opportunities.

The session also dealt with shedding light on all conditions, required documents, and how to complete the application form, and obtain it from the Authority’s website.

In the middle of the week, Dr. El-Sayed Qandil, President of Helwan University, accompanied by Dr. Mahmoud El-Maslawy, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in Helwan, inaugurated the work of developing and raising the efficiency of the infrastructure and equipment for floor 300 in the electricity building of the Faculty of Engineering within the framework of the university’s plan to develop its facilities to be equipped with the highest level of quality to serve students and the educational process. and research.

The President of Helwan University said that the development of the Faculty of Engineering in Helwan is a model to be followed in all faculties of the university, and that all work is scheduled to be completed in November 2023, and that the university is working to support the faculty to create development and a boom in all fields, develop resources, prepare administrative and academic cadres, and restore Structuring assets to reach the quality of education, in addition to developing academic programs, attracting foreign students and developing programs in line with the requirements of the local and international labor market.

Kandil called for the necessity of forming international partnerships and unifying the local, international and regional frame of reference, stressing that the engineer is the mind that drives and plans the state, and we are a university that has great potential and is spread over more than 15 sites in Egypt.

He continued, saying that there is a plan to develop the College of Engineering in Helwan, raise the efficiency of scientific and applied research, and develop scientific research in the college in line with the state’s national plan, in addition to serving the surrounding environment and providing engineering consultancy, and that buildings, headquarters, halls, auditoriums, and full classrooms are being developed.

The President of Helwan University inspected the development work for floor 300 in an electrical building at the Faculty of Engineering, which has been underway for more than 15 months, and which was completed at the beginning of the current month of June 2023, where all spaces and educational laboratories were developed in the floor with 7 auditoriums and 9 educational laboratories, as well as rooms for faculty and staff members. Assistance and facilities for the role with the latest architectural and equipment methods, including sound systems, display tools, and wired and wireless communication networks, with a total surface area of ​​3400 square meters, to serve three scientific departments in the college, which are the Department of Power Engineering and Electrical Machines, the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, and the Department of Computer and Systems Engineering.

After the inspection tour, a report on the performance and achievements of the College of Engineering in Helwan from January 2022 to May 2023 was presented, which included the processes of equipping and developing the college’s infrastructure, establishing new student and research laboratories, funded projects and grants obtained by the college, protocols and cooperation agreements that were signed, and development mechanisms. The academic programs and exam systems, the special units that were established and the activities that took place in them, the college’s preparations towards digital transformation, in addition to the academic, research and student activities and events.

The report showed that work is underway in the college to develop the infrastructure and preparations for the 200th floor of an electricity building, to carry out the process of replacing and renewing the main electrical panel in the college, to renew the audio-visual system for 7 classrooms, and to provide an electric generator in the college to operate the main systems and equipment in the stands, laboratories and elevators in the event of a power outage. Now also assigning the process of replacing and renewing all toilets, developing the fire network for an electrical building and a mechanical building, comprehensive maintenance of the student measurement and calendar unit room, and renovation works on floors 200 and 300 in a medical building.

As well as development efforts to work on establishing football fields in the college in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, to support student activities, and to develop the infrastructure and equipment for the ground and first floors of the mechanics building.

Helwan Engineering is witnessing a boom in the establishment of new student and research laboratories, including the educational satellite laboratory in cooperation with the Egyptian Space Agency. The college is preparing for digital transformation by providing and installing a wireless local network to support digital transformation in the various college departments, and building a management system for virtual laboratory experiments and remote experiments. .

At the end of the week, Dr. El-Sayed Qandil, President of Helwan University, inaugurated the expatriate students exhibition in the first year of the Faculty of Art Education. During the opening, he expressed his happiness and pride in the excellence of the college students of all nationalities and their creativity. He also praised the efforts made by the college to provide the best educational services and various activities for incoming students and to develop and develop them. abilities and enable them to achieve their artistic ambitions.

The President of Helwan University confirmed that the activities of the exhibition of incoming students in the first year at the Faculty of Art Education are an important occasion that highlights students’ talents and creative abilities.

During the tour of the exhibition, “Qandil” watched the artworks displayed and listened to the students’ explanation of their ideas and details of their achievements.

The exhibition reflects Helwan University’s interest in supporting and encouraging young talents, and the exhibition constitutes a real platform for displaying the cultural diversity of foreign students, as it provides the opportunity to explore new cultures and enjoy a unique artistic experience. This exhibition promotes a sense of belonging.

For his part, Dr. Mahmoud Hamed, Dean of the Faculty of Art Education, said that the inauguration of the exhibition for foreign students is an opportunity to enhance cultural interaction and cooperation between students, professors and the university community. This exhibition is a wonderful occasion to introduce diverse cultures and new artistic styles.


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